Some recent feedback….

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Emotional Health and Well Being Workshop presented by
Vivienne Barnes, Well Being Coach
19th January 2019
Workshop feedback form summary
How did you feel about the academic content of the workshop?

100% positive responses – a selection of comments

Very sound theories and models/for me a perfect pitch! / lots of great stuff to think about/ Good, all theories written/described in a very accessible way/very solid great interesting/lots of useful content – you came across as an expert with great personal examples and anecdotes to bring the ideas alive and make them real

Was the learning environment spacious and peaceful for you?

100% positive responses – a selection of comments

Yes/perfect/the learning environment was spacious and welcoming/
excellent venue/ wonderful room /more than acceptable / definitely Yes excellent venue

Were the facilities, signage, refreshments, toilets, acceptable for you?

100% positive responses – a selection of comments

Yes/yes excellent/yes excellent lovely to be so well looked after

Did the workshop meet your expectations?

100% positive responses – a selection of comments

I was really looking forward to the day and found it very useful/in many ways/yes an opportunity to pause and reflect on self and others/enjoyable /exceeded expectations – Vivienne is a fountain of knowledge and very generous in sharing her happiness tips

How did you feel about the presentation style?

100% positive response – a selection of comments

Great adult to adult style with good stories and illustrations/active and colourful/very friendly open and caring – felt safe/a bit rushed – could have been more interactive/easy to listen to/very accessible, I liked the balance of humour and depth of thought/nice and informal – liked the pictures / dynamic presentation and very engaging – good sense of humour/ great – positive – good sense of humour – dynamic / engaging – relaxed and easy to understand /

What were the strengths of the workshop?

100% positive feedback..a selection of comments

Interactive style/great to have book with bullet points to add/Accessible and easy to understand descriptions of theory, to put into practice – vey person centred / open discussion and refection/the atmosphere that was created -relaxed, open and secure / pace – quality of information – Vivienne’s experience and ability illustrates (literally and verbally) in different ways / food for thought – encourages curiosity and conversation / kept simple but effective – liked the power point / good size group

Did you learn anything new?

80/20% something new/a reminder – for those already trained in psychology it was good that delegates were able to reflect upon themselves during the workshop

Yes, by making the environment open and encouraging stories new insights came to me/revisited models (psychology degree coach training), enjoyed refreshing my memory and seeing / myself through this/some things – story telling but served as a good refresher/reminder of and new perspectives/reaffirm to listen to what is being said but not accepting that what is being said is right or fair/ I was reminded of what I do know! But because this is such a person-centred day it was a wonderful opportunity to self-reflect / more a reminder (and timely) very valuable / yes gave me opportunity to have perspective on my own life – to stand back / lots /liked the idea of rules for living

Will you be able to use the learning in the future?

100% yes was the answer

Yes for sure/yes/yes most definitely/yes/yes/definitely – for me this was a timely day to revisit past learning and apply to today’s challenges / yes to stop and think before acting or saying something – avoid confrontation / yes- it will be interesting applying some of the behaviours and looking out for them in others/definitely / yes/definitely – will apply some of it today / yes

Can you share a key learning experience?

100% good reflections upon learning – a sample here;

Drama Triangle – staying in coach and not moving into rescuer when a business owner comes to me in distress/recall learned helplessness-how helpful visuals are particularly the humorous ones/a reminder about PAT and the Drama triangle/provided a good reminder of my anger issues, managing self, combined with tolerance and respectful of others views/yes-will certainly discuss with colleagues / more of a reminder – that a critical parent and a child can sit on our shoulders / coping strategies around avoiding confrontation / not feeling guilty about stuff/lots and lots and hearing others contributions / not taking another people’s problems or trying to resolve them/for me it is the problem is not in the middle ‘we are on the same side’ / the rescue triangle

What were the weaknesses of the workshop?

The main issue expressed being the amount of time to reflect on the learning

Would you recommend the workshop to others?

100% Yes

Yes/yes, I think very helpful for people who haven’t heard about this-these before/yes/I would direct people to web site/yes happily, gave time to think of the importance of life and how to ensure you get the best out of it / Yes! / yes – comprehensive overview/yes for sure/very much so / yes with a few tweaks/yes-enjoyable and given mind food for thought / yes I think the narrative – plan of the workshop was really good – you are very knowledgeable and share lots of powerful messages in a clear and relatable way

Further comments please;

Selection of comments

I very much appreciated the day and the opportunity for reflections/well done Vivienne!/power point in first session could see upcoming slides – 2nd session this had been fixed much better/thank you for the care and thought which was put into the development of the workshop – well done/use more open ended questions for ever more feedback/thank you for a lovely day / many thanks Vivienne for a very interesting and thought provoking day / thanks for having me along Vivienne / good basic workshop regarding key terms for behaviour and understanding of impact of this with tools to use – worthwhile /