- If you are coping with another’s ill health remember it is their illness not yours
- Be mindful Ladies if or when the man in your life gets impatient when you are explaining something important. Men just say it. Women tend to edit as we speak.
- It can be helpful to accept that some relationships are messy
- Remove the word Should from your vocabulary
- If someone has upset you and you want to tell them please focus on how their actions affected your feelings…don’t criticise their behaviour..its difficult for them to argue with how you are feeling…(similarly effect on team if this fits)
- People tend to forget what you said…but not how you made them feel
- If you find yourself endlessly worrying start recording a worry diary. See if the same type of issues set you off. Could be the start of getting it sorted
- Less is more – this goes for the mind as well – I think sometimes people can think too much.
- Never make important decisions when you are very happy or very sad – focus on neutrality when deciding – decisions can be affected by how we are feeling – so for example if you are feeling very happy you may end up being ‘overly’ optimistic and likewise the opposite view.
- People may say that they are ‘missing’ someone. I suggest that it may be the experience with the person, such as companionship and fun times that is being missed..not the person themselves.
- The greatest gift you can give yourself is giving yourself back to yourself.
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